08. Parameters to change in distribution (???)

 1. dao.properties

Verify that the property persistence.hosts points to the database server (xxx.xxx.xxx.29) or to the local machine ( when the persistence unit is "control_post!

2. persistence_control_post-properties

The properties file name  for a persistence unit is "properties_PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME.properties"

2.1 Verify the IP addresses of the database server (xxx.xxx.xxx.29) or to the local machine ( in the property hibernate.connection.url

2.2 Verify if the persistence unit makes use of JNDI (points to META-INF/context.xml) or not.

2.3 If it does not use JDNI, then the user and password must be obfuscated in the properties file

2.4 Verify that the classes to be used (User, Role.., csv*) exists in the  mapped classes 

2.5 If using JNDI  verify the IP of the database server and the database name in the "url" param

3. NO persistence.xml is used

Verify that the WEB-INF/persistence.xml does not exist!!!!

4. Verify all properties as some addresses and folders may be changed


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